As a change of fitness pace, I have started to do this dance/ workout craze that is sweeping the nation and toning up tails all across the globe. This craze, better known as Zumba Fitness, has motivated me immensely to get my tail into gear and keep my body moving.

 I’ve had this particular Zumba DVD collecting dust in my workout DVD collection for over a year without ever playing it all the way through, much like all my other health and fitness DVD’s I own. It makes no sense to have a set of wonderful tools in the toolbox [health and fitness equipment] and never open it to fix up anything.

If there is a trendy fitness DVD or type of exercise out, you name it, and I have it!  From Hip Hop Abs, to the Pussy Cats Dolls Workout, Belly dancing, Insanity, Billy Blanks Bootcamp, to 10 minute yoga and more! I have yet to take advantage of any of these wonderful tools so there is no wonder why I have yet to achieve my fitness goals.

 I have all the home equipment like the Pilates ball, Pilates bands, free weights, jump rope, abs machine, thigh master, stepping platform and resistance bands just to name a few. I have to keep telling myself it’s time to cash in on my investment. My workout tools and accessories are to be used for fitness and not to be collected like antiques!!

So Zumba it is! Now watch me work! I am having a blast and shedding pounds at the same time!!! No more closing the lid on my fitness toolbox!

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